
Hope in a post. Merci, Natasha. This couldn't come at a better time. I'll never get tired of hearing this story, or reading your novels.

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Loved this story. Thanks for that!

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I enjoy reading about your journey!

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I just love your advice Natasha - endurance with a smile is what we need! ❤️

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I love reading your story -- so interesting!! I can't believe that you nearly gave up. Isn't it crazy as writers how often we doubt ourselves? Thank goodness your strong inner voice kicked in and kept you going. I feel like it's probably one of the things that separates writers who get published and writers who don't get published: the ability to temper the voice inside of us that says we cannot do it. But really, we can! xoxo Enjoyed this very much!

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I enjoyed reading about your journey. So grateful you persevered and turned your hand to historical fiction. I have been a fan from the very beginning. I still have up the postcards designed by an artist way back with Her Mothers Secret. 👍🏻❤️

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Looking forward to Part 3!!!

The French Photographer is one of my favs.

You rock, Natasha!

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I’m loving this series! It’s great to read your success story now, after I’ve just signed with an agent and am contemplating my brand, and even though I’ve been following you since 2017 and have read almost all your books, including your first 2.

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Enjoying reading your publishing journey. Thanks for sharing!

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This story completely resonates - I’m so grateful to you for sharing! I’m nearly 30 and currently at the “what am I doing, what is my true purpose in life” stage. It’s refreshing and reassuring to read about your success, and realize that getting there was not a linear path from undergrad at university and onwards. I have loved you as an author for so long (have read nearly all your books), and now I am loving getting a glimpse into your journey and story. Thank you!

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Thank you for sharing this with us! I really enjoy reading your books 😊

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